Our Craft

At Hollywands, the art of our craft is in the intention and care at each stage as much as it is in the final result.

We don’t just grab a piece of wood and slap it together with some rocks and hammer some wire into it to make it hold, we dig deep, into our souls, into history and tradition, and we bring out something truly unique!

All natural components

  • Real crystals and gemstones
  • Pure copper/silver/gold metals
  • Beeswax and pine resins

Crafted with care

  • All pieces unique and hand crafted
  • Components selected meticulously
  • Holistic emergent properties

Components of a wand

Each section of the wand not only contributes to its overall aesthetics and ergonomic design but also plays a pivotal role in defining and refining the wand’s magical capabilities, ensuring that it is a balanced, effective, and personalized tool for the practitioner.

Main Body

Typically carved to reveal the wood grain, the main body of the wand channels the energy from the handle and the internal cores to the tip. It can be seen as the wand’s backbone, providing structural integrity and a pathway for energy flow. The wood type, carving details, and thickness can all influence the wand’s character and how the magic is modulated through it.


The tip is the primary point of focus and direction for the wand’s energy. Crystals are believed to have their own energies and properties, which can amplify or refine the wand’s magic. The choice of crystal can tailor the wand’s output, for instance, clear quartz for general amplification, amethyst for calming and psychic abilities, etc. This is where the magic is concentrated and directed outwards, serving as the conduit for the wielder’s intent.

Top Inner Core

Located just beneath the tip, this compartment holds personal or potent items like cat whiskers, spider legs, or cinnamon, mixed with beeswax. This combination is believed to imbue the wand with specific attributes or powers based on the items chosen. For example, a cat whisker might lend agility or mystique, while cinnamon could boost the wand’s capacity to attract success or provide protection. This section symbolizes the wand’s ability to take immediate and directed action, influencing the external environment directly from the wielder’s intent.

Top of Handle Adornment

This is where the handle meets the wand’s main body, often adorned with a ring and an encrusted gem or a semi-precious stone like garnet. This junction can symbolize the convergence of personal will (handle) and universal energies (main body), with the gemstone providing a focal point for concentration or a specific energetic influence, depending on its properties.

Bottom of the Wand

The bottom of the wand often features a grounding element like an amethyst, which not only stabilizes the wand’s energy but also ensures that the wielder remains connected to the earthly realm, avoiding over-exhaustion or loss of control. This grounding stone is crucial for balance, ensuring that the energy channeled through the wand does not become chaotic or overwhelming.

Bottom Inner Core

This deeper and larger cavity at the wand’s base is filled with components like mugwort seeds and green aventurine or bear tooth fragments and wild rose petals, combined with beeswax. These materials are chosen for their grounding and protective properties, offering a foundation of strength and purity to the wand’s workings. This section represents the wand’s foundation, its connection to the deeper, more primal energies of the earth, and the subconscious mind, offering a reservoir of energy to draw upon and ensuring the stability of the magic invoked.


The handle, often bare or wrapped in hemp cord, provides the wielder with a direct connection to the wand, enabling them to infuse it with their personal energy and intent. The material and design can offer comfort, enhance grip, or add to the wand’s aesthetic, but fundamentally, it’s about the union between the wand and the magic practitioner, allowing for a seamless flow of energy.

We use metals to securely bind and connect our components

Copper Properties:

  • Conductive to Energy Flows: In metaphysical beliefs, copper is considered to amplify and transmit energetic flows, making it ideal for directing and channeling energy through a wand. It is said to enhance the natural properties of crystals and stones it is paired with, intensifying their effects.
  • Balancing and Harmonizing: Copper is also believed to have balancing properties, harmonizing the flow of energies within and around the body. This makes it a good choice for wands intended for healing, balancing chakras, or energy work aiming to restore equilibrium.
  • Spiritual Connection: Some traditions hold that copper can enhance the user’s ability to connect with higher spiritual realms and facilitate communication with otherworldly beings. In wand usage, this can translate to a more potent tool for spiritual practices and rituals.

Silver Properties:

  • Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Silver is often associated with the moon and is believed to enhance psychic sensitivity and intuition. It might be chosen for a wand intended for use in divination or lunar magic.
  • Purification and Protection: Traditionally, silver is seen as a purifying agent, believed to ward off negativity and provide protection against harmful energies. This makes it suitable for wands used in protective rituals or cleansing spaces.
  • Emotional Healing: Silver is also associated with emotional healing, promoting calmness and balance. It could be beneficial for wands focused on healing or emotional work.
  • Conductivity: While not as conductive as copper, silver is still a very effective conductor of thermal and electric energy, which in metaphysical beliefs, translates to conducting spiritual energy as well.