Holly Wand of Regeneration


~Holly wood base ~Amethyst point bottom tip ~Hemp cord wrap ~Twin pointed quartz tip ~Red garnet at top of handle ~Spirulina (blue-green algea) top inner core ~Chaga and Jade inner bottom core

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Introducing the Holly Wand of Regeneration: A Mystic Convergence of Nature’s Finest Elements

Embark on a journey of timeless vitality and rejuvenation with the enchanting Holly Wand of Regeneration. Masterfully crafted from the resilient base of holly wood, this exquisite wand embodies the essence of enduring strength and renewal. Its design harmoniously integrates the earth’s most potent elements, each meticulously chosen for their unique energetic properties and symbolic meanings.

At the foundation, an amethyst point anchors the wand, its bottom tip resonating with the frequencies of tranquility and spiritual wisdom. Revered for its healing attributes, amethyst imbues the bearer with calming energies and a heightened state of consciousness. Wrapped gracefully around the holly wood, a hemp cord not only secures the gemstones in place but also adds a touch of organic elegance, symbolizing connection and growth.

Ascending along the wand, a double-pointed quartz crystal crowns the piece, channeling universal energy and amplifying the intentions of the wielder. Quartz, known for its clarity and versatility, serves as a powerful conduit for the flow of positive energies. Complementing this, a radiant red garnet sits at the top of the handle, infusing the wand with vigor, passion, and the courage to embrace life’s transformations.

Within the core of the wand, a mesmerizing blend of Spirulina and Chaga offers a vibrant testament to the magic of the natural world. Spirulina, with its luminescent blue-green hues, symbolizes life force and resilience, while Chaga, a revered mushroom, embodies healing and grounding energies. Together, they form a potent mix that enhances vitality and well-being.

The inner sanctum of the wand harbours a delicate balance of jade, symbolizing harmony and balance, and it reinforces the wand’s capacity for renewal and spiritual nourishment.

The Holly Wand of Regeneration is not merely an object of beauty; it is a profound tool for transformation and healing. Its carefully selected components, each with their own intrinsic meanings and energies, converge to create a powerful instrument of change. Whether you seek personal growth, healing, or a deeper connection with the natural world, this wand offers a pathway to your highest aspirations and well-being. Embrace its magic and let it guide you on your journey to rejuvenation and everlasting vitality.

Additional information

Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 50 × 3 × 3 cm